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B'nei Mitzvah Corner

Saturday Morning Services

Should we invite the entire Hebrew School or Day School Class/Grade to our child’s B'nei Mitzvah service?
In order to prevent hurt feelings, we encourage families who are inviting most of the class to invite everyone.


How can parents/siblings and other relatives participate in the service? What if they can’t read Hebrew?
We want to maximize family involvement. Parents and other relatives can prepare a Torah reading and younger siblings can lead a prayer. Family members who do not read Hebrew can have the honor of opening the Ark. However, it is not our tradition to have parents speak to their children on the Bimah as part of a B'nei Mitzvah.


May candy be thrown during the service in celebration of a B'nei mitzvah?
No. As a result of several occasions on which people were injured by thrown candy, our Ritual Committee no longer allows the throwing of candy at any Simcha in the synagogue.


How many aliyot and other honors can my family have and how are their determined?
In addition to the B'nei Mitzvah, each family is allowed to have up to 6 Jewish Adults called to the Torah for Aliyot and 4 other “non speaking” honors. All of these honors are worked out in advance with the Rabbi.


Will there be other families celebrating Simchas at Shabbat services on the day of my child’s B'nei Mitzvah?
It is possible. It is common for there to be a Baby Naming, Aufruf, Wedding Anniversary or other Simcha celebrated on the same morning that one or more families are celebrating their child’s B'nei Mitzvah. If there is another Simcha, this will not reduce the number of honors that are given to the B'nei Mitzvah families.

Contact & Details

HERJC is your community center.
Let us know what we can do for you.


Morning Minyan

Sundays @ 9:00 AM - In Person (followed by breakfast) & Zoom

Mondays & Thursdays @ 7:45 AM - In Person & Zoom

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays @ 7:45 AM - Zoom Only


Evening Minyan

Sundays-Thursdays @ 7:30 PM - Zoom Only


Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Fridays @ 6:00 PM


Shabbat Services

Saturdays @ 9:30 AM


295 Main Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518


Phone: 516-599-2634

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